dports created

Matt Dillon has created dports, a DragonFly-local override of /usr/ports from FreeBSD. This way, DragonFly can continue to use the FreeBSD ports system and changes/overrides can be placed in /usr/dports to handle changes. This is not permanent; it’s supposed to last until a new package system is devised, which should be after things like the VFS work is done.

Complete text of his post follows, as there’s some notes on how to check this out of cvs:
Continue reading “dports created”


I’ll try to run through all the events that came through in the past few days.

– David Rhodus reports over 1000 iso downloads on dbsd.catpa.com, while Simon ‘corecode’ Schubert reports (since logging started) 129 unique downloads.

– David P. Reese Jr. has set up various split syscalls and set the linuxulator to use them.

– Matt Dillon pointed out the right name for this new OS is ‘DragonFly’, with the F capitalized. He also suggested starting a new ports (/usr/dports) system that would work as an ‘override’ to the carried-over FreeBSD ports system.

– There was some discussion of slogans for DragonFly, of which my favorite was David Leimbach’s “DragonFlyBSD: We’ve raised our standards… so up yours!”

– Robert Garrett brought rsync into the base system. Also, David Rhodus set up a cvsync server that carries both FreeBSD and DragonFly. (his config continued below.)
Continue reading “Catch-up”

sysinstall finalized

From the discussions going on, it looks like the installation interface will be http based, using Apache, PHP, probably Python, and a text (links or elinks)/graphical browser depending on install environment.

A new topic coming up is: should cvsup be included, or something like it?

Rounding up

No major events, but a few small items over the weekend and U.S. holiday:

– Hiten Pandya suggested creating downloadable patchsets for unstable items like ACPI that come from other operating systems, so that people can try them without placing unstable code into the default Dragonfly setup.

– Lots and lots of talk about sysinstall; nothing was really resolved other than that language preferences polarize discussion. Matt Dillon pointed out he was more interested in figuring out RCNG integration, in any case.

– If you, like me, aren’t familiar with RCNG, Jeremy Messenger posted these links (all about the NetBSD version, but that’s close) for more info:

(Google cache if Daemonnews is unavailable.)

– Serial console support doesn’t seem to be working, though the settings should be the same as with FreeBSD-stable.

– I “announced” this web page, and nobody said anything bad. Yay!