Unixreview.com this week has an article on certification: “Further Examining Changes to the A+ Certification“, book reviews of “How to Break Web Software” and “Programming PHP, Second Edition“, and “Regular Expressions: Simplest possible not always so simple“.
lsof doesn’t build on DragonFly, but apparently the DragonFly version of fstat works well as an alternative, barring the occasional problem.
In a larger conversation about using CF cards in place of normal hard drives, Oliver Fromme mentioned that he’s been building a small computer into the case of a Sony CD player, and has pictures to prove it. (and yes, it could run DragonFly.)
The utility calendar
can be used to provide reminders of upcoming events; you can even provide your own personalized list, as Sascha Wildner pointed out.
(If you’re interested in a columnar calendar, similar to a wall calendar, try cal
A tip found from a larger discussion of root shells: su -m
allows the user’s shell to be brought forth as the root shell. If you have multiple people su’ing to root, this will allow each to use a favorite shell instead of the default /bin/tcsh