Mitja Horvat purchased an Intel D945GCLF motherboard, which worked fine with DragonFly except for some minor issues with hardware checksumming on the Realtek 8102EL network card.  He supplied a patch to fix this, which was committed. Edward O’Callaghan chimed in with some history of why this particular card was problematic in DragonFly and other operating systems.
Michael Neumann has a patch that makes DragonFly able to run on VirtualBox; Matthew Dillon has a suggestion on how to make the fix permanent, which also may help with clock timing under other virtualized setups.
Somehow I missed this commit, but DragonFly 2.0.1 is out, with many changes to Hammer and other miscellaneous updates.
This week’s BSDTalk is a 24-minute talk with Chess Griffin, who put together the 100-podcast LinuxReality series.
Dru Lavigne’s blog brings news of her upcoming convention schedule, the September issue of the OSBR, themed on “Social Innovation”, and an always-fun linkpile.
It’s always nice to see work benefiting multiple BSDs. (via) Joerg Sonnenberger also gets credit for committing patches from Hasso Tepper to pkgsrc, contributing to the upward success rate for pkgsrc packages building on DragonFly. has been upgraded to DragonFly 2.1, and now has several Hammer volumes. This is the system that builds and hosts the pkgsrc binary packages.
Hasso Tepper is continuing his pkgsrc bulk builds, with his most recent build showing 7,130 packages built successfully, an increase of 116 over his last build. (I don’t know if he’s using local patches…)
Sepherosa Ziehau has added code to make it possible to run network threads without the Big Giant Lock. It’s still experimental, so it has to be manually set via sysctl.
The 2.0.1 release of DragonFly will arrive soon, incorporating recent improvements to Hammer, including the new cleanup utility.
Supplied by Alexander Schrijver: the happiest dragonfly ever.
As a followup to his pkgsrc bulk build, Hasso Tepper would welcome contributions from anyone interested in making pkgsrc’s version of the GNOME desktop and the various C# utilities work better on DragonFly.
The development machine has been upgraded with a lot more disk space. Development accounts on there are free for everyone, though keep in mind only some parts are backed up.
Hasso Tepper completed a bulk build of pkgsrc (current) on DragonFly 2.1 – about 7/8th of all the packages built.
Some random links for browsing that I’ve been holding onto:
- PCMag’s top 10 Greatest Hacks of All Time – Item #3 mentions my alma mater. (via)
- Readers of a certain age will enjoy Atari Modern Classics, plus the Bootleg Demakes (via)
- This GameSetWatch article on managerial rhetoric will be familiar to most anyone working in software.
- FreeBSD phone job in Canada – anyone interested?
The freeze on pkgsrc development for the next quarterly release has been announced; expect the 2008Q3 branch in about 2 weeks.