Refixing mptable problems

If you’re running the bleeding edge version of DragonFly, because Sepherosa Ziehau’s recent work makes it possible to boot systems that were previously bootable, you may need this sysctl trick loader tunable in loader.conf:

debug.acpi.enabled="pci pci_link"

How will you know that you need it?  The system will run strangely slow.  The command enables ACPI interrupt routing, which corrects for mptable problems.

3 Replies to “Refixing mptable problems”

  1. Sepherosa is doing some fantastic work, my regards to him!

    I’m interested, why is ACPI interrupt routing not default yet in current?
    Is it just because of it being so new?

    Sepherosa keep it up, this was waaay overdue !!!!!


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