It’s been an extremely busy week for me, but I still have a batch of links here.
- Thomas Klausner sent a link to some very pretty images of real dragonflies.
- Datacenter details, from Metafilter. I’ve been in places like that, and so has my brother.
- Bug report humor. (related to Ubuntu ads, previously linked here.)
- Sometimes this site/my domain gets weird spam. I got different versions of this SEO spam recently. No story here, just a thing that I’ve seen others fall for.
- Honoring Bill Moggridge. He designed the first laptop, pictured in that article. It looks like my memory of the Apple ][c, which is probably not an accident.
- It’s always nice to see mentions of DragonFly show up in Linuxish places.
- No, really. Use zsh. That’s the article’s title, not necessarily my recommendation. (via)
- Michael W. Lucas talks about logging only sudo failures. It’s mentioned in a throwaway paragraph, but he also makes the excellent security point of having a separate, inaccessible-to-most logging host.
Your unrelated link of the week: Did you know one of the original ideas was to name DragonFly “TortoiseBSD” “TurtleBSD”? Probably not the best name.