- What will you have: tea or chai? Mapping out all the names for tea around the world. I love etymology and tea, and I know there’s some tea drinkers reading… (via)
- Speaking of tea, this London universal tea device sounds awesome. (via)
- Uncle Miod’s machineroom. There’s some pictures of some old hardware buried in there that was incredibly expensive when it first came out… (via)
- This security issue is interesting because it’s a new kind of problem, but also depressing because it’s a new kind of problem. (via)
- Apparently a packaging system is always a good idea. (explanation)
- A patient explanation of /usr/local and a bit of UNIX file system history, too. (via)
- The history of Unix from where it happened, Bell Labs. I’m pretty sure I haven’t linked to that before. Interesting trivia note: playing the original Space Travel game in 1969 cost $75 for the computer time.(via)
Your unrelated link of the week: Top Shelf is having their annual $3+ comics sale. There’s some really good books for cheap, there. Of special note: From Hell, about Jack the Ripper, drawn by my favorite artist. Wizzywig, mentioned here before as a fictional mishmash of real stories and rumors about hackers and BBSes and other things people need to be a certain age to remember. The Ticking, drawn by Renée French, whose art should be familiar to fans of Plan 9 or Go.