RSS reader recommendations

Google Reader, which is what I use to track as much BSD stuff as possible, is being retired as of July 1.  I need a new RSS reader – any recommendations?  Something that I can access from multiple places (i.e. online app) is best.

12 Replies to “RSS reader recommendations”

  1. For us Russian-speaking users, there is Yandex Lenta (????? ?????). Almost the same functionality.

  2. Feedly is a good alternative, exist as plugin for Firefox/Safari/Chrome and as apps for Android and iOS:

    Personally, I use feedly as online apps to be able to read from differentes places, and Taptu on my Android to aggregate RSS to be able to have multiple news in 1 caption, thing that is not yet done by Feedly.

  3. If you don’t mind to install something on your own servers: (last release from 2009, works for me) (last release from 2011)
    – and the already mentioned tiny tiny rss (last release this year, site looks overloaded ATM, has it’s own android app)

    If someone knows some more like those, I search an alternative for rnews (tt-rss looks like the only contender ATM due to active development).

  4. I’m trying feedly now. It’s easy to transfer now, but it’s a very different experience from Reader. I miss just being able to connect to a public Web App from any browser.

  5. If you have Windows 8, many RSS reader apps sync with Azure to keep track of your reading across devices.

  6. I’m quite happily using tt-rss and would recommend it (though I have never tried google reader)

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