By the time you read this, I’ll have already been sitting on an island for a few days. There’s so much stuff to post lately I’m scheduling material a week out.
- Have you used the grep replacement ‘ack‘? There’s a Twitter feed of tips for it.
- A horrible programming idea, so bad I can’t tell if it’s trolling. (via multiple places)
- Links at the previous item led me here: Breaking Systems for Fun and Profit.
- A tiny fatmac. It’s adorable.
- Beautiful Code, from Rob Pike, described by Brian Kernighan.
- That previous link was found via this reimplementation of Pike’s grep in Go. The “Practice of Programming” book mentioned is one of my favorites.
- The SCUMM Diary. The SCUMM engine could arguably be as big an influence as the Quake engine on game history. (via)
- This is a very nice keyboard.
- Managing sshd in Ansible, cross-platform. A sequel to last week’s Ansible/Lucas link.
- UNIX pioneers remember the good times. These anecdotes seems to illustrate the personalities of their tellers/perpetrators. Or at least I imagine they do. (via)
- NTP reference clock statistics. (also via) When milliseconds matter. Also, yay graphs!
- WTF Visualizations. A counterpoint to the previous well-illustrated link. I read through a bunch of the nonsensical graphs and started to feel disoriented. (also also via)
Your unrelated comic link of the week: The Scout, by Malachi Ward. A self-contained sci-fi story.