Another week with lots of links.
- DiscoverBSD’s summary for 2014/03/10.
- PC-BSD Digest 21 – 10.0.1 release.
- FreeBSDNews needs a new maintainer. (am I the old man of BSD blogs? Yeesh.)
- FreeBSDNews also has two FreeNAS videos.
- OpenBSD is starting on USB 3 support. I assume this is separate from USB4BSD?
- OpenBSD has moved to OpenSMTPD by default.
- Hubert Feyrer has a summary of recent ARM developments in NetBSD.
- The 2014Q1 freeze for pkgsrc starts effectively today, lasting two weeks.
- Eric Radman pointed out that non-linear editing is possible on the BSDs using Blender, and here’s a tutorial.
- FreeBSD had an ABI change, so rebuild carefully on master.
- Man pages added by Microsoft to FreeBSD. It makes sense, but it still makes me pause.
- Apache is out of OpenBSD base.
- The window manager cwm has been made portable, meaning it’s not just for OpenBSD now.
- IPX and AppleTalk have been removed from FreeBSD.
Justin, thanks for everything you do!
Also, apparently CWM is somewhat popular with the Arch Linux community. Which kind of confuses me. If you want a simple, pared down system, as many in the Arch community do, why in the world would you use a a Linux distro?