Another active week.
- RetroBSD recently moved to Git and GitHub, and is now buildable on Mac OS X.
- ALTQ is gone, at least for the OpenBSD version of pf.
- So I’ll bring up this point again: pf is fragmenting, and we should do something about it.
- The EdgeBSD presentation from FOSDEM 2014. (via)
- OpenBSD could use some VLAN testing.
- FreeBSDNews is running an swag contest.
- replaces
- Here’s a GSoC project that could help everyone. (thanks, Tomáš Bodžár)
- I’ve linked to some parts of this work, but Undeadly has a summary of the man page search improvements in OpenBSD.
- DiscoverBSD’s 2014/04/14 summary.
- LibreSSL started because of a leaky water heater.
- I always like threads about small hardware.
- FreeNAS hardware unboxing.
- Man, everybody likes pfSense.
- Lua in pkgsrc is getting versioned.
- Why would you do this?
My company threw out pfsense and openvpn in exchange for palo alto networks firewalls and global protect. The kept telling me the pfsense boxes ran linux. Their reasoning was, it isn’t enterprise software. Truth is, they just had no idea how to use pf, let alone, freebsd.
This point does not seem to have a link in it: “DiscoverBSD’s 2014/04/14 summary.”