Part of this was done while traveling, but still a decent week for links.
- A BSD-licensed timeout(1).
- DiscoverBSD roundup for 2014/07/21.
- NetBSD has a start of a radeon driver.
- FreeBSD has a Phabricator site, which is getting linked in some commits.
- The OpenBSD cvsweb was down but appears to be back now.
- Lua in NetBSD went from version 5.1 to 5.3.
- Yay cross-pollination, sorta?
- “*BSD on the desktop for an intermediate Linux user?“
- NetBSD got a slight binary loading speedup.
- OpenBSD + OSX/iOS and IPsec/l2tp setup, the thread and the followup.
- Trying to establish the longest trust chain possible for an OpenBSD install.
- OpenBSD’s new httpd is now installed by default. Lynx is no longer. (partially via)
- ldapd/OpenBSD users may need this thread when upgrading.
- DIAGNOSTIC does not slow down NetBSD.
- Bitrig is nearing 1.0, according to an email on their list. But I can’t find a way to link to the summary of what they have done. There’s the Bitrig roadmap, I guess?
- An early draft (“prerelease”) of Michael Lucas’s next book, “FreeBSD Mastery: Storage Essentials“, is available.
- Undeadly has a lot of articles written by recent OpenBSD Hackathon participants. Instead of linking to specific ones, I’ll just point you at the site. ( can’t tag or search to a summary page.)
- BSD, the movie. (via).
Undeadly search is pretty broken, I find twitter to be much better in this case.