Despite the US holiday, here’s a pile of BSD material.
- BSD on Mini ITX.
- Can we talk about FreeBSD vs. Linux?
- DiscoverBSD for 2014/11/24.
- pkgsrc and i386 may have issues on partial rebuild. Or not? Follow the thread.
- lang/guile16 is leaving pkgsrc soon.
- check-update, a script for finding what packages in pkgsrc need to be updated.
- FreeBSD now has libgpio, I think for those general purpose I/O connectors on small ARM boards that are all the rage.
- FreeBSD has switched to mandoc.
- Your SGI hardware running OpenBSD will now tell you via LCD.
- Tools for checking for updated packages on OpenBSD. (read the whole thread)
- Conversations about a home PF-based router. “APU units run hot but are OK” seems to be the thread consensus.