Lots of in-depth reading this week. Put on something warm/drink something warm (especially if you are in the northeast US) and start reading.
- Making a C64/C65 compatible computer in an FPGA. (via)
- Joe Chip’s problem was never his door. (via)
- A Whole New World. (via, via)
- CORE 2015, the magazine from the Computer History Museum. (PDF)
- Warren Ellis on the Apple Watch.
- Understanding Code Forking in Open Source Software, a paper. (via)
- Chart of similar operations with sed and awk. (via)
- A Tale of Two Zippers. (via)
- 10 fancy zsh tricks you may not know… and Six hacks for less(1).
- “Why are there so many goddamn package managers?” (via)
- The Last of the Typewriter Men. (via)
- Where to buy amazing tea online. Maybe a bit pretentious.
- It’s a UNIX system. I know this. (via)
Your unrelated quote of the week:
“If we had Smart Dogs right now, they’d have screens instead of ears, and they wouldn’t be able to bark in a somewhat indecipherable but yet still full of meaning way, they’d just have a whole bunch of notification icons that would come out of their butt and would all be red circles with numbers in them.”
Your unrelated link of the week: Drone over Niagara Falls. That’s about 70 miles from here; I’ve been there many times. That may give you an idea of the snow buildup/cold level here recently.