I goofed up and didn’t complete last weeks’ In Other BSDs before it published, so you get some extra this week.
- DiscoverBSD news for 2015/03/09.
- FreeBSD Flame Graphs. (via)
- pkgsrc-2014Q4 binaries for illumos/SmartOS, plus support policy.
- 15 years of FreeBSD Foundation.
- autofs(5) on FreeBSD.
- DisplayLink adapters now work on FreeBSD.
- USB now consistently works on Raspberry Pi devices with FreeBSD.
- W^X in your browser, via the OpenBSD Foundation.
- OpenBSD and Summer of Code.
- Pre-orders for OpenBSD 5.7 are possible.
- Encrypted replication in PC-BSD.
- Better i386 NetBSD radeon support.
- The pkgsrc-2015Q1 freeze starts in a few days.
- 3-way cross-pollination.
DisplayLink device support would also be a good thing for DragonFly BSD.