Emulation is this week’s accidental topic.
- MAME and the New Emulation Reality. (via)
- A Piece of Apple II History Cracks Open. (via)
- Venture capital vs. community capital. An interesting view of history. (via)
- Introduction to Keyboard Programming. (via)
- #define __ENABEL_EPSPERAMENTLE_TAPDOLE_ORATORS (comment from this article.)
- Apple][ in Javascript. Also, Apple][ in Javascript. Two different presentation styles, both fun. (both via)
- Math Blaster Copy Protection. (via)
- Rogue in Space.
- Einstein, a NewtonOS emulator. (via)
- SSH client suggestions.
- Radio hams do battle with ‘Russian Woodpecker’ (1982). There’s a lot of analog ghosts out there. (via)
- An incomplete list of words that are now startups. (via)
- “If something isn’t on the web … I find it hard to get excited about it.” (also via)
- The SIGCIS Workshop 2015 call for papers is out.
Your comics link of the week: Behold! The Dinosaurs!