I compiled this all bit early, so hopefully nothing exciting happens between now and when it gets posted.
- DiscoverBSD for 2015/06/16.
- YouTube review on “Networking For Systems Administrators”. (BSD-friendly)
- Signify shortcomings.
- BSDCan 2015, a review.
- BSDNow has an already-mentioned BSDCan presentation roundup, and various OpenBSD presentations are showing on the OpenBSD papers page, and there’s a video collection page too. (via)
- Best laptop for FreeBSD or variants? (via)
- Mandoc: becoming the main BSD manual toolbox [pdf] (via)
- PkgsrcCon 2015 is definitely happening.
- We’re about halfway through the pkgsrc-2015Q2 freeze.
- OpenBSD 5.8 has been branched. (Is that the right term?)
- NetBSD has internal storage on the EdgeRouter. OpenBSD can boot there too. Is there something switch like (12+ ports) that boots a BSD? Other than Juniper? (speaking of which, I worked on an EX4300 a few days ago and liked it.)
- Temperature handling in OpenBSD has been much improved.
- FreeBSD on BeagleBone Black units now support HDMI.
OpenBSD 5.8 hasn’t been branched or tagged* yet, the switch to -beta is simply part of the development process. It’s indicating that developers should be paying attention and users should be testing what will eventually be in the final release.