Put together at the last minute.
- NeXTBSD, a video presentation. (via multiple places)
- Why FreeBSD should not adopt launchd. Sort of commentary on the previous item. (also via multiple places)
- DiscoverBSD for 2015/08/24.
- OPNSense 15.7.10, 15.7.11 released.
- Beyond the Fork, an OPNSense status report.
- OpenBSD 5.8, Another Song.
- Kernel W^X extended to i386 on OpenBSD.
- SSLv3 removed from LibreSSL.
- Call for Testing: Using tame() in userland.
- OpenBSD’s tame gets a path list parameter. (via)
- DistroWatch introduces PC-BSD’s new Enterprise package repository. (via)
- Why 32-bit MIPS isn’t interesting. (via)
- FreeBSD gains an ioat(4) driver.
- Summer of Code 2015 just finished, and the code is starting to appear.
- Lumina-fm gets a major update.
- pkgsrc as non-root, a discussion. (follow the thread)