This is the sort of BSD link week I like, with lots of range and depth.
- Many many more u2k15 reports.
- Slides about pledge(). There’s a very good point (and followup) in there.
- Why I Chose FreeNAS When I Started My Own Landscape Architecture Firm.
- Initial 802.11n wireless support for iwm(4).
- noice, a file browser that works on all the BSDs.
- New [OPNSense] images based on 15.7.18.
- first meeting next Tuesday. I’ll post a reminder.
- Videos: BSD History.
- DiscoverBSD for 2015/11/09.
- The ZFS ZIL and SLOG Demystified.
- SeaGL 2015 Recap. (via)
- DesktopBSD 2.0 M1 released. (via)
- xorg for NetBSD/amiga. This will make someone happy.
- ConnectX-4 Mellanox network card support in FreeBSD. Does well under load.
- Re-rooting on FreeBSD.