Lots of user group items this week.
- KnoxBUG has both July and August presentations planned – July 26th is the next, on cryptography and identity assurance.
- SemiBUG is looking for September+ presentations.
- NYCBUG’s RetroBSD and LiteBSD presentation is in 4 days, and there will be an instalfest on August 3rd.
- HOPE is July 22-24, and will have a BSD presence. (FreeBSD Foundation)
- “what are the disadvantages of using software like pfSense, vyos etc. over enterprise quality routers?“
- BSDs and Trim the SSD.
- DiscoverBSD for 2016/06/27.
- USENIX ATC 2016 Conference Recap.
- OPNSense 16.1.18 released, which I think is the last 16.1.* release.
- FreeBSD just in time.
- Samsung acquires Joyent. Joyent are big pkgsrc users. (via)