I had overflow from last week, so I have a good list for you, despite being offline for days.
- Your Code is Junky. I haven’t thought about FrontPage in years, and that’s on purpose. It was a trainwreck.
- Raiders of the Lost OS: Reclaiming a piece of Polish IT history. I have never heard of CROOK. (via)
- meaningful short names.
- missing features as features
- The Collapse of the UNIX Philosophy. Drinking game: drink every time the author or commenters at the source link conflate bash and UNIX, or Linux and UNIX, or assume a quirk solved in 1985 is a relevant worry today, etc. You’ll be drunk very soon.
- Adobe Illustrator is 30 years old. Linking mostly for the side-by-side image of the tool palettes over the years.
- USG is a firewall for your USB ports. firmware firewall – you can still have malicious software in the data portion of the USB drive. (via)
- Two frequently used system calls are ~77% slower on AWS EC2. gettimeofday() – about as simple as it gets, and used constantly. (via)
- selfie – compiler, emulator, and hypervisor (C and MIPS) all bundled together. (via)
- Computers and art meet face-to-face.
- (related comics link)
Your unrelated tea link of the day: defining what it means when you read “mug of tea” vs “cup of tea”. You’d think it was interchangeable, but the meanings diverge. (PDF, via)