Lots of links this week – so many I’ve already started next week’s post.
- FreeBSD 10.4-BETA available. I’m prewriting this part of the post so there may be a new beta by the time this publishes.
- Introducing sandboxfs.
- “TIL GhostBSD has a patreon” (via)
- OpenBSD rtables and rdomains. (via)
- Setting up OpenBSD’s LDAP Server (ldapd) with StartTLS and SASL. (via)
- Ansible OpenBSD Cookbooks. (via)
- This crazy hardware porting example thread led me to some new hardware, some of which may run a BSD? The Pinebook is apparently bootable but I don’t know if that means usable.
- Also: using the audio port for serial? First time I heard of that. (referring to previous crazy hardware links above)
- Eventually all packaging systems eat an operating system. And then they aren’t packaging systems any more. (via)
- DFS with Freenas for data replication between multiple sites?
- openbsd changes of note 627
- yet another introduction to yacc
- OpenBSD 6.1, a an overview.
Pingback :)
Dangit! FreshBSD’s pingbacks must not be recognizable as pingback and only as regular comments – maybe?
The serial over audio topic is missing a link.
It’s a comment on the previous item. Data was transferred to some of the new systems via audio jack. I’ll clarify.