- More p2k17 Hackathon: Anthony J. Bentley on firmware, games and securing pkg_add runs, Sebastian Reitenbach on Puppet,
Landry Breuil on Mozilla things,Florian Obser on network stack progress, kernel relinking. - Hyper V VLAN tag on pfSense?
- OpenBSD on G4 Cube. (via)
- FreeNAS ISCSI Luns & VMware; restricting lun visibility?
- FreeNAS vs. Server 2016 vs. unRaid?
- How’s the [Nvidia] driver support compared to Linux?
- Why are supercomputers all running Linux and not BSD?
- VMWare + FreeNAS, Encryption.
- OS X:Anyone using Xfce or other DE in place of Aqua?
- Switching from 1Password to Bitwarden.
- BSDTW ’17 Conference Recap.
- Moving Freshports.
- FreeBSD/EC2 on C5 instances.