Note the eleventy-jillion hackathon reports.
- OpenBSD 6.3 : why and how. (via)
- Helpful OpenBSD Tutorials. A request for input, not a link to existing.
- A pile of p2k18 hackathon reports. And more.
- “We didn’t chase the fad of using every Intel cpu feature.” (via)
- Getting CUPS working under NetBSD?
- What I Learned During My FreeBSD Internship.
- Valuable News – 2018/05/14. Catching links that I didn’t.
- OPNSense 18.1.7 released. No, I mean 18.1.8.
- “FreeBSD Mastery: Jails” Sponsorships, and writing schedule changes.
- FreeBSD 11.2 beta is out.
- Calamares “some day, a FreeBSD system installer”. (via)
Your thinkpiece for the week: The cultural shift from not selling out to blowing up. There’s a BSD analogy possible there.