NYCBUG’s January meeting kicks off the new year, with an OpenBSD presentation by Brian Callahan on January 2nd. That’s this Wednesday, right after New Year’s Day. At the time I’m writing this, I don’t have the meeting agenda, but don’t let that stop you from attending, if you are near. Update: Brian told me directly what he is presenting.
Last of the year!
A big reading week. Enjoy!
BSD Now 278 has an interview of Marshall Kirk McKusick, from BSDCan 2018. If you aren’t familiar with him, he’s been involved with BSD possibly longer than you’ve been alive, and you’re probably using code he wrote, one way or another.
This should, I hope, affect no-one except people running DragonFly mirrors: I moved all the DragonFly 3.x release ISOs into a different directory than the normal master download location. This should shrink mirror size.
The 35th Chaos Communication Congress starts today. (I linked to the multi-day schedule.) It’s one of the few places you can see hacking, from the ground up. So, even if you aren’t near it, you can still see it, live.
Ravenports has been updated to have DragonFly 5.4 packages, if you are using it. (note typo if copying from that email) The eerielinux site also has what I am calling a review but is more of a followup report, after extended usage of Ravenports on multiple platforms. See the initial review, too.
If you enjoy the Digest and want to get me to my goal of a free sandwich, I have a Patreon account. Merry Christmas/happy holidays! Normal article posting resumes tomorrow, of course.
DragonFly 5.4.1 is out, just in time for Christmas. My users@ post describes upgrading, as do the 5.4 release notes. The changes in this version are in the tag commit, which can be summed up as “keyboard fix, dhcpcd support, HAMMER2 improvement”.
Images are available for download at various mirrors, too. If you’ve recently upgraded to 5.4, it’s the normal build process.
Merry almost Christmas! I hope you like reading, because I’m linking to some large collections of text.
I had a lot of tabs to close, if you can’t tell.
Podcast for the weekend: garbage[46].
I like seeing someone’s install notes – in this case, DragonFly, followed by XFCE and MATE. You can tell what someone considers the most important packages, cause they always come first. There’s video too. (via)
BSD Now episode 277 touches on a bunch of things like updating FreeBSD from 11 to 12, and Knuth history, but it links to some helpful directions for using nmap, which I think is one of those basic tools that should be in everyone’s arsenal, along with wireshark.
As planned, there will be a 5.4. 1 release for DragonFly. Matthew Dillon’s work on HAMMER2 will be in there, as will be a fix for keyboard attachment and updates from Aaron LI on dhcpcd support. I will tag and build this weekend, so it’ll be just in time for Christmas.
I’m not planning a holiday gift guide this year, though they are fun to do. You can always check previous ones; I try to link to stores rather than individual items.
doesn’t necessarily lead to a readable message to the user.I think/hope I cleared my backlog of BSD links.
‘s output can be quietly system dependent.The newest BSD Now covers the 12.0 release of FreeBSD, handily talks about setting up Synth, and links to an interview of the fellow behind GhostBSD.
Matthew Dillon’s been working on “reliable on-media topology” for HAMMER2. If you had a crash at just the right time with HAMMER2, you wouldn’t lose data but you might have to do some manual cleanup. (Don’t ask me the steps; never happened to me.) With these changes, that doesn’t happen any more. It’s present now in -master and will be in what should be DragonFly 5.4.1 by the end of the year. He has a post to users@ that goes into better detail. If you want way too much detail, you can check the commits.
Three related notes: snapshots are now faster, the HAMMER2 design document has been updated to the tune of 400+ new lines, and yes, you can encrypt your root HAMMER2 filesystem, and have been able to for a while.