The next release of DragonFly should be smaller; Sascha Wildner and Rimvydas Jasinskas have removed or substituted enough packages on the installer image to drop the package disk usage 50%.
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The next release of DragonFly should be smaller; Sascha Wildner and Rimvydas Jasinskas have removed or substituted enough packages on the installer image to drop the package disk usage 50%.
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Question: does Dfly have a “minimal install” similar to Ubuntu Minimal where the total install size is ~40mb?
Because the link from the original post says /usr/local is 145mb alone.
I’m not sure but Justin might know.
I think the default install of Dragonfly is around 375MB total.
A “du -ch bin boot build etc lib libexec root sbin sys tmp usr var” reports 1.7G total. That’s only a few seconds of investigation, so don’t take that as gospel; it could be measuring very wrong.
Doesn’t 1.7GB seem crazy
Geez. 1.7GB – that’s nuts. I wonder what the bulk of the files are