I had so many tabs open they weren’t all showing, so you get a straight dump.
- Haiku Alpha 1: Rebirth of legend. (via)
- Install & Configure BeOS R5.1d Using Oracle VirtualBox. (via)
- Closing Periods on Flickr. Linked cause I do that here. (via)
- Emulation on an iPhone/iPad. Linked just to show how difficult Apple chooses to make this. (via)
- I believe this to possibly be the worst recipe-generating algorithm in existence. (via I lost it, sorry)
- Build a 6502 computer. Video series. (via)
- The eMate 300 Out In Front for “BBS Week V”.
- 7DRL is running now. (via)
- A Text Renaissance.
- My Linux and Vim Notes. Disregard the Linux part.
- Digging up IP addresses with the Linux dig command. Disregard etc.
- A random encounter with a 35 year old file format.
- Fucking laptops. I agree on the x200 series.
- Rotary Cellphone.
- Payphone_Mk_2.
- Lavender, a console font heavily inspired by Sun Gallant and the XNU console font. (via)
- Ice Cream Book reviews. I agree wholeheartedly about Hello, My Name Is Ice Cream.
- My Ordinary Life: Improvements Since the 1990s. Your reaction to this will vary based on your age.
- Mark 1 FORTH Computer. “This computer has no microprocessor.” (via)
- which led me to the Homebuilt CPU Webring. A Webring! Bizarre computers! Hooray!
- opensource-challenges.
- Gears gears gears animations.
- ‘a dead simple git cheatsheet’. (via)
- Simone.computer. The projects are interesting, the interface itself is interesting. (via)