It’s rare, but I was able to collect most of these links more than 24 hours before you are reading them.
- Some views on having your system timezone set to UTC.
- The Era of Fragmentation, Part 3: The Statists. Minitel!
- The Internet’s Many Branches.
- Roguelike Celebration is going to happen! (virtually) Plus there’s a call for papers.
- New book: “Cash Flow for Creators”. If you are working anything but a corporate job ever, this will have value for you.
- The Deprecated *nix API. (via)
- When SimCity got serious: the story of Maxis Business Simulations and SimRefinery. (via)
- Announcing the Second Edition of Learning Markdown.
- Dungeons & Dragons at a Distance: Early Play-by-Mail D&D. (via)
- Hagoromo chalks, progress & Vim. (via I lost it, sorry)
- Desperate Pleas for Nothing. I get at least one of these every week.
- C&C open sourced. (via)
Dear Justin, just wanted to appreciate you
This last week or so the links have been particularly interesting. The world is an amazing and fascinating place, and I enjoy seeing that in what you share
Today I was helping a refugee family mourn the loss of a child killed in bombing
The life we live is so powerful, and the perspectives we take are earth shattering. So I wanted to thank you for sharing your perspectives, and for instance the video on points of view among all the other links, like D&D jokes :)