Accidental topic: old-school games.
- Assignment 45, A Harry Flynn Adventure (1981). Interesting cause it’s a magazine article with the program source, something you don’t see much past the mid-80s.
- Advanced Vim Workflows. (via)
- Historical Games. (via)
- PunyInform, Inform 6 for 8-bit computers. (also via)
- Specification Writer job at Infocom LLC. “part of a clean room reverse engineering project”
- Modern Board Game Research. (via)
- Medieval Fantasy City Generator. I linked to an earlier version years ago. (via)
- IoDT The Internet of Dead Things Institute. (via)
- Laura Michet Uses This. Look at her custom SABER68 keyboard.
- March 2nd, 1943. A reminder: accurate dates in the past are bonkers hard.
- Running servers and Fred Brooks on transforming programs to products. Linked cause The Mythical Man-Month was right.
- AI Dungeon: Dragon mode. (via)