I am severely backlogged on links.
- Valuable News – 2021/09/06.
- FreeBSD Desktop – Part 27 – Configuration – Netflix Signal Telegram.
- Large Unix programs were historically not all that portable between Unixes.
- FreeBSD 13.0-RELEASE on Microsoft Azure Marketplace.
- Development Tools Next Steps. FreeBSD moving ever so slowly to git. I think; the announcement assumes you are already knee-deep.
- xterm gets unveiled.
- A Co-op Term at the FreeBSD Foundation.
- R.E.L.I.V.E (Oddworld engine).
- GPU recommendations for OpenBSD dual-monitor workstation + gaming machine.
- Port of the Week: pngquant.
- pkgupdate, an OpenBSD script to update packages fast.
- iked(8) gains client-side support for DNS configuration.
a. Is NanoBSD still supported?
b. Would it be good to use as the OS for a web server?
I am not sure why you are asking about NanoBSD; I don’t know any more about it than you.