I’m glomming all BSD and not-BSD into these roundup posts. I don’t think they need to be separate.
- The Apple ][ Age, a new book. (via)
- Let’s Make Sure Github Doesn’t Become the only Option. (via)
- The Cocoa Press Chocolate 3D Printer.
- Converting My X201 ThinkPad into a Slabtop. (via)
- Xterm: It’s better than you thought. (via and via)
- A look at terminal emulators, part 1.
Sensenmann: Code Deletion at Scale. (via) - The NYCBUG presentation on GeFS from a few days ago is now online.
- More NYCBUG in the future!
- Ancient Myths and Open Source.
- intpm(4), the smbus power control I didn’t know existed.
- NetBSD AGM2023: Annual General Meeting, May 13. Nicely open.
- The Museum of Screens. (via)
- The Internet Isn’t Meant To Be So Small. (also via)
- Drass: Shadow of Doubt. Cubism makes a comeback. (also also via)