After the initial notes, this is a week to dedicate some time to reading; these are more intense than usual.
- Sept 4 NYC*BUG: GEFS: The Long road to Production Use, Ori Bernstein. Go if you are near, and there are plans to stream if you are not near.
- Speaking of streaming, the NYCBUG group has done a significant amount of work on streaming open-source meetings; now you can contribute (tax-advantaged) to it.
- OK, now for the reading bits.
- The Tic-Tac-Toe Mysteries of Xerloc O’Xolmes.
- In Which Graphic Novels Are Optimized for Portability.
- Dinosaur’s Pen, old tech media images. (via)
- No apps no masters.
- Fight On! Returns.
- The rich history of ham radio culture.
- Steampunk strandbeest.
- SSH has become our universal (Unix) external access protocol.
- Generating Mazes. (via)
- The Dying Computer Museum. A good reason to pay attention to the Computer History Museum, SDF’s Interim Computer Museum, or the not-enough-people-know-it iCHEG.
- Vibing With Some Tunes and a Retro Wave Slideshow on the Apple IIe. Synthwave already has early Apple visual associations; this seems like a perfect match.