Unofficial theme: synthesizers!
- How to Build a Chess Engine and Fail. (via)
- cablesoft. Finally, a ‘computers are bad’ story where I experienced (some of) the history described.
- Jon Makes Beats. Seeing synthesizers and samplers in use. (via)
- More synthesizer stuff: the Orchid. (via)
- Even more: Music Thing Modular Workshop System. (via)
- Using (only) a Linux terminal for my personal computing in 2024.
- more tales of the unscreenshotable.
- AI-powered Self Service Checkouts.
- Why pipes sometimes get “stuck”: buffering. (via)
- Minitel: The Online World France Built Before the Web. (via)
- Monsters, Aliens, and Holes in the Ground. Tabletop RPG history. (via)
- A Margaret Hamilton’s worth of printed code. (via)
- What Is Seen and What Is Not Seen. (also via)
Your video experience of the week: Hundreds of Beavers. This was played in a theater in my town months ago and I missed it. I should have gone to see it on the big screen, but here it is on YouTube. (via)
Just an early reminder: This year’s CCC conference will, again, take place from 27th to 30th in Hamburg. Talks and such will be streamed (almost all), an alpha version of the schedule is online:
(the schedule is a moving target—you might want to re-check each day.)