Busy week, but lots to read.
- My brush with Oulipo. Thinking far harder about language patterns than I thought possible.
- The awful thing about getting it right the first time is that nobody realizes how hard it was. Follow the links, and feel disappointment.
- BASIC turns 50. I like BASIC – specifically AppleBASIC – in a way only nostalgia can cause. (via)
- More secure than telnetmallows. (via)
- The Great Works of Software. “…works of technology that transcend the upgrade cycle, adapting to changing rhythms and new ideas, often over decades.” An accurate description. UNIX is #4. (via)
- GitHub monoculture. Git is decentralized, GitHub is not. (via)
- Novena’s hackable bezel. A spiffy way to hold a keyboard.
- “Here’s my favorite operating systems war story, what’s yours?” Some excellent, old-school war stories in the originating link.
Your unrelated link of the week: Doc Brown on My Proper Tea. Language warning.