If you’re part of a BSD user group, please let me know your schedule. I’m able to catch NYCBUG announcements cause I’m on their announce@ mailing list – but I could use more.
- DiscoverBSD for 2015/03/30.
- Lumina 0.8.3 is released.
- Building PC-BSD Utilities From Source. (video)
- BSD Magazine for March.
- Directly building FreeBSD AMI images.
- FreeBSD daily status reports, a little more human-readable.
- 4 new commands in FreeBSD DDB.
- The FreeBSD boot loader can now take your GELI passphrase.
- A probably definitive answer on OpenBSD and clang.
- pf tables mean no reloading.
- BSD contributor Paul Schenkveld has died.
- If you are in the UK, there’s a mini OpenBSD ports hackathon happening now.
- NetBSD systems can now resize / on reboot, if space is available.
- LibreSSL in pkgsrc, soon.
- NYCBUG’s next meeting is April 8th, with Christos Zoulas presenting blacklistd.