You will probably be able to guess some of my thinking processes this week based on these links.
- “If you work for Facebook, quit.“
- Related: Facebook “Shadow Profiles”. A DragonFlyBSD “fan group” spontaneously appeared on Facebook at one point, but didn’t actually exist – they auto-create Facebook pages for other people’s work, but don’t make it clear that the actual owner isn’t involved.
- Building an Analog Computer. (via)
- The Joy of Non-Smoking Breaks. Has anyone read “the Healthy Programmer”, mentioned in the text?
- Zipf’s Law, which I didn’t know existed.
- SP800-199, “Guidelines for the Secure Deployment of IPv6” from NIST. Very complete. (via)
- In defense of client certificates.
- Coding like it’s 1999. (via)
- Haunted by Data. More Maciej Ceglowski. (via)
Your unrelated tea link of the week: Health benefits of tea. Not the original title; I made it less clickbaity. (via)