There’s always a rush of links after a holiday, as people sit at home and catch up on what they’ve wanted to do.
- 2016 computer review A lot of people like that X1.
- For God’s sake, secure your Mongo/Redis/etc! This is why services don’t get automatically started after installation via ports/pkgsrc. (via)
- openbsd changes of note 5
- OPNsense 16.7.12 released
- Lumina version 1.2.0 Released
- Netgate Taps InfoSec Global for pfSense Code Review
- A pretty splash screen for the Chrome Pixel and OpenBSD. (via)
- Hotplugging RAM – uvm_hotplug(9), the Xen balloon(4) driver and portmasters’ FAQ
- pkgsrc-2016Q4 released
- This is why I try to be specific when talking about BSD book author Michael W. Lucas.
- turn your network inside out with one pf.conf trick
- Get your name in the relayd book
The other Michael Lucas is a porn star.