I’ve got some unique links this week.
- “We’ve run the simulation a million million times… and every time, the Dark Lord wins.” Mageframe, a story told by AI (apparently not just another Markov Chain) with your seeded information. Explanation here; I suggest this is art you should participate in.
- Return to Nib’s Knoll. Another early-Internet sense of place, buried away.
- href.cool. Old-style web directory. (via)
- What I’m Thinking About 1995. Makes sense if you listen to the author’s podcast.
- As A Service. “Half a century ago it was called timesharing.”
- Twisty Little Passages, a sorta-RPG, sorta-roguelike … book?
- Fast FVP, the task sorting method.
- 110 days of Early Multics Emacs History. (via)
- Cthulhu Dark, “A Rules-light system For lovecraftian Horror”. I like how compact it is; a 3-page PDF. (via)
- Related: the original Call of Cthulhu rules. I’ve never had to type out Cthulhu before.
- 30-plus years of HyperCard, the missing link to the Web. (via)
- The Software Arts, an “alternative history of software that places the arts at the very center of software’s evolution.” (via)
- The 25¢ Apple II Real Time Clock. The author shows up in the comments of the source link, 38 years later.
- Espruino ISS Notifier. Yep, it’s a Space Station Detector.