Old machines week.
- An excellent payphone project.
- The Goriest Fight Scenes from The Iliad, Pt. 1. I enjoyed those books for a reason.
- A tiny Pinball Fantasies table – Intro.
- Crypto Ancienne 2.0 now brings TLS 1.3 to the Internet of Old Things (except BeOS). Linked for the screenshots.
- The Commodore 64 Smartwatch can now sync with your Commodore 64 desktop. Not a sentence I expected to type.
- In the Hall of the Third Blue Wizard Issue 1 – PDF Released. I just found my copy of the Peridot the other day, which was a fun read.
- Macintosh Common Lisp. (via)
- Contributing to Open Source Beyond Software Development. For example, this very blog.
- Sweet Mars inspired theme for WindowMaker.
- Writing and Running a BBS on a Macintosh Plus. Somewhat bonkers.