Swapoff has been added to DragonFly. This was a potential Summer of Code project, and also happened to have a bounty offered for it. $300 goes to Ilya Dryomov. If money for code like this interests you, check the Code Bounties page for more projects…
Dear universe: improved interrupt routing, or deduplication in HAMMER would make me happy. I’m not picky.
Cool !
Yea, I really really want to improve interrupt routing from APIC/MP-Tables to ACPI’s version. Much of the heavy lifting has been done in FreeBSD but still requires a bit of work to get it all in DragonFly.
I would love to pair up with someone on this as some of it is beyond what I can do alone I think..
Well, I would like too, but I don’t yet understand how all the low-level stuff works.
@Alexander Polakov:
I found some good links a while back,
* http://people.freebsd.org/~jhb/papers/bsdcan/2007/article/article.html
* http://www.bsdcan.org/2007/schedule/events/2.en.html
* http://www.acpi.info/DOWNLOADS/ACPIspec40a.pdf
* http://tldp.org/LDP/tlk/dd/interrupts.html
* http://wiki.osdev.org/Category:Interrupts
What state is your port of usb4bsd in and are you planning to continue on it?
It’s on a very early stage. I don’t think i have enough passion to continue it, sorry.
Thanks for reply!