Drowning in links this week. Is that so bad? No.
- I pity people that had to make illustrations about abstract concepts like the Internet, especially in the 1990s.
- Slashdot jumps the shark. I’m not really knocking what they are adding – I could use it for work – but Slashdot has gone corporate, in the bland sense of the word. There’s no clear voice behind what they talk about. Even if you don’t like what they are posting, there’s no longer a specific author to disagree with. Younger folks may shrug and say “So what?”, but Slashdot used to be nearly the only decent source for nerdity online.
- A sensible discussion of open source and how it relates to obsolescence and access.
- Jan Schaumann’s NYCBUG presentation in mp3 form: “The Useless Use of *“
- Winning entries in the 2011 International Obfuscated C Code Contest. (via)
- Hyperrogue III (Zeno Rogue). (via) It’s a roguelike, with vi-based directional controls and a non-Euclidian hyperbolic plane world, or at least that’s what the description says. It might compile on DragonFly.
- “Why don’t more developers contribute to open source?“
- Spam-merican Apparel (via) Spambots and T-shirts; that combination seems to be a natural growth of the internet.
- XFCE 4.8 is on the way in pkgsrc. I know this will please some people.
- The smallest (ELF) Hello World possible. (via profmakx onEFNet #dragonflybsd)
- A SSD roundup. I have one in my work laptop right now and it makes a huge difference.
- DuckDuckHack. (via) Quick, someone make a plugin for pkgsrc packages.
Your unrelated links of the week: Turntablism. I was talking about assembled music last week, and this is a whole area to itself. Watch Kid Koala turn a few seconds of trumpet playing into an entire blues progression.
much smaller ELF executable at [1]:
[1] http://www.muppetlabs.com/~breadbox/software/tiny/teensy.html