Neat name, neat mechanical computer.
ChiBUG’s next meeting is the 21st; RSVP if you’re going.
Interpreted through a related commit: DragonFly might have a paravirtual SCSI driver soon?
DiscoBSD, which answers “what happened to RetroBSD?”
NYCBUG has a new venue and a May speaker. March and April are open if you want to give a talk.
A link here spawned a TUHS post which led to interesting notes on Wumpus and Moonlander, setuid exists because of mastermind, very early multiplayer games, and how Plan 9’s 9P is everywhere.
A short explainer on dsynth(1) options.
Monochrome terminal setup for an E-ink monitor. I love this idea. (via)
This is the first time I’ve seen an article about turning features off. In this case, stereo sound on BSD.
JSON is really becoming a common format.
Adventure(6) the original and Colossal Cave the remake 50 years later.
I like release notes, and here they are for helloSystem 0.8.0.
I never knew until now why a Centronics port was a Centronics port.
Console screendumps, an idea so useful I can’t believe it hasn’t been addressed before.
breakdancing medieval marginalia. There’s more.
The installer should always take care of this for you, but if for some reason you need it: formatting a disk with gpt.