Link creation tools

I’ve been looking for a way to make the posting process quicker for the Digest.  My existing process has been to collect open tabs and categorize emails, then go through them later, turning them into links and source links.  I’d like to be able to post them as I read them – a link per post, even.  The closest tools I’ve found for this are Press This! / Press This Extended, but both appear to be abandoned and no longer compatible.  Suggestions welcomed.

Lazy Reading for 2022/10/23

No theme this week.

Your unrelated music link of the week: Death In Vegas – Zugaga.  I heard it on the radio and thought it was a remix of something eighties – Vangelis?

In Other BSDs for 2022/10/22

It’s Long Article Title week!


Lazy Reading for 2022/10/16

No theme this week.

In Other BSDs for 2022/10/15

Accidentally OpenBSD-heavy this week.

Lazy Reading for 2022/10/09

“New commandline tools” is the mini-theme.

Your unrelated video of the week: BollardsSheepFilms are fun.  Also: Potato House.

In Other BSDs for 2022/10/08

No theme this week for the BSD section.

Lazy Reading for 2022/10/02
In Other BSDs for 2022/10/01


Lazy Reading for 2022/09/25

3 months until Christmas!

In Other BSDs for 2022/09/24

Check the first link; it’s time-dependent.