I’ve been looking for a way to make the posting process quicker for the Digest. My existing process has been to collect open tabs and categorize emails, then go through them later, turning them into links and source links. I’d like to be able to post them as I read them – a link per post, even. The closest tools I’ve found for this are Press This! / Press This Extended, but both appear to be abandoned and no longer compatible. Suggestions welcomed.
Keeping your published fiction and technical book list in SNMP is definitely a new use of a MIB to me.
If you’re near Chicago, go to the ChiBUG meeting tonight at 6.
No theme this week.
- Distributed Cooperation
- Copilot lawsuit. Happening with images too but not as obvious yet.
- Barilla’s open source tool for perfect pasta. Is the app open source? Couldn’t tell.
- Pimping my Casio with Oddly Specific Objects’ alternate motherboard and firmware (via)
- In praise of ffmpeg
- More Thoughts About Dongles. 2FA TOTP mechanisms are sorta The New Dongle, arguably.
- The wonderful tee(1) command
- One more MOS 7600 Pong: Coleco Telstar Gemini
Your unrelated music link of the week: Death In Vegas – Zugaga. I heard it on the radio and thought it was a remix of something eighties – Vangelis?
It’s Long Article Title week!
- If only the kids knew about pipes
- OpenBSD Minimalist Desktop (via)
- FreeBSD Kernel Developer job at Klara
- The feasibility of pledge() on Linux (via)
- FreeBSD Quarterly Status Report – Third Quarter 2022
- How-to Guide: Binary Package Management on FreeBSD
- Avoid Infrastructure Vendor Lock-in by leveraging MinIO and OpenZFS
- Announcing the FreeBSD/Firecracker platform
- Installing and Using Research Unix Version 6 in the Open SIMH PDP-11 Emulator
- Keeping FreeBSD Secure: Learn the Whys and Hows with the FreeBSD Sec Team
- Valuable News – 2022/10/18
- NetBSD Arm on Oracle Cloud
- OpenBSD 7.2 Released
- BSD-XFCE (via)
- Newer NetBSD can still run on a 75 mHz Pentium
SEMIBUG is hosting a presentation by David Maxwell on security and NetBSD, tonight. It’s hosted online so if you can read this, you can attend.
No theme this week.
- Going where BeOS NetPositive hasn’t gone before: NetPositive+.
- Haiku Activity & Contract Report, September 2022. (via)
- The most important standard in development today.
- Last chance to preorder the “50 Years” book!
- Bea Wolf, a story.
- ISC DHCP Server has reached EOL. 20 years ago this was the only real reliable DHCP server I could find. (via)
- Make Things Bigger Part One.
- Exploring the Cutting Edge of Desktop ARM Hardware. Not there yet.
- Retrospective: Adventure.
- The Floppotron 3.0. (via)
- Community Governance Outside the Web’s Dictatorships.
Accidentally OpenBSD-heavy this week.
- OpenBSD build KDE software using kdesrc-build tutorial for beginners.
- How old various Unix signals are.
- SEMIBUG: NetBSD and Security, Oct 18th. Online.
- We are stuck with
(unless you like beating people) - A kiosk computer running OpenBSD
- Valuable News – 2022/10/10
- Running a Docker Host under OpenBSD using vmd(8)
- Ads blocking with OpenBSD unbound(8)
- Further memory protections committed to -current
- A Few of My Favorite Things About The OpenBSD Packet Filter Tools
- Automatic mounting of volumes on FreeBSD
This special episode of BSD Now has an interview with Warren Toomey. I just happened to sign up for the TUHS mailing list and let me tell you, there’s some history being reported there by the people that lived it.
“New commandline tools” is the mini-theme.
- UML: My Part in its Downfall.
- BSing at 300 Bits Per Second.
- The top 10 things about blog and IT you should know. Clever.
- Unix, Plan 9 and the Lurking Smalltalk. (via)
- VSIG Lecture on the Public Packet Infrastructure. (via)
- Software engineering practices.
- Open Book Abridged.
- The appeal of small computers. (via)
- Projecting Parallels in Archi Comics.
- Awesome Terminals.
- Nerd Fonts. Common terminal fonts with added image glyphs.
- Oh My Posh, prompt configs for any shell.
- Modern UNIX.
Your unrelated video of the week: Bollards. SheepFilms are fun. Also: Potato House.
No theme this week for the BSD section.
- Fiber + Static IP = Self-Hosting Glory! Sounds suspiciously like my ISP.
- OpenBSD: Manage DNS, DNSSEC (to automate TLSA records). (via)
- Red Hat OpenShift versus FreeBSD Jails. (via)
- Netlink Added to FreeBSD – Unmodified Linux ip(8) Correctly Works. (via)
- Fun with FreeBSD: Your First Linux Guest. (via)
- OpenBSD.app – quick full-text searching of OpenBSD packages for -stable and -current. (via)
- bsddialog 0.4 and LGPL-Free bsdinstall.
- Meet the 2022 FreeBSD Google Summer of Code Students: Koichi Imai, Christos Margiolis, and Jake Freeland.
- SCALE19X Conference Report.
- HardenedBSD September 2022 Status Report.
- Building Your Own FreeBSD-based NAS with ZFS Part 3.
- Valuable News – 2022/10/03.
The first link and the title for this week’s BSD Now doesn’t have anything to do with BSD as far as I know, but I think it’s funny.
The social meeting for NYCBUG is tonight, at Torch & Crown Brewing. Go, if you are near.
- My Top 10 Favorite Imaginary Settings (Part I) and Part 2.
- On the strange joys of mainframe OSes and legacy tech that has survived into modern times. (via)
- The MIPS ThinkPad, kind of. I have one of these.
- the nevada national security site pt 4.
- Janet Jackson had the power to crash laptop computers, follow-up.
- Stupid Shit No One Needs And Terrible Ideas Hackathon Toronto. MMOPong, for instance. (via)
- A short history of the drum machine. (via)
- So when did POP and IMAP become a “legacy protocol?”
- The Best Command-Line-Only Video Games. Kinda a listicle and no BSD-specific checks, I know. (via)
- Plan9port, cause of something I read.
- Oral Histories of Museum Computing. (via)
- Next NYCBUG social gathering is this Wednesday.
- Ultima Online’s 25th anniversary. Linked here cause it works on OpenBSD without Wine, according to the comment. (via)
- Announcing the pkgsrc 2022Q3 branch.
- How Rob Pike got hired by Dennis Richie.
- A DMD 5620 Terminal Emulator. This is a terminal I’ve never seen before.
- EuroBSDCon 2022, my first BSD conference (and how they are different).
- EuroBSDCon 2022.
- EuroBSDCon 2022.
- The Geeks way of checking what the outside wheather[sic] is like.
- Cartron asks what FreeBSD machines I use.
- Red Hat’s OpenShift vs FreeBSD Jails.
- Toolchains Adventures Q3 2022.
- Valuable News – 2022/09/26.
- How to trigger services restart after OpenBSD update.
BSD Now this week is titled ‘EuroBSDCon’, but as far as I know they weren’t there – haven’t listened to the episode yet. Any readers here go?
3 months until Christmas!
- Building the future of the command line.
- Working Offgrid Efficiently.
- Alternatives to Bloatware, found in the previous link.
- Ranking Vance’s SF and Fantasy Novels.
- The VCF East Swap Meet is coming up.
- Computing’s Woodstock. People in 1976 talking about their projects for the first time, like ENIAC and Colossus, no biggie. (via)
- Espresso machine historic gallery. (via)
- Atari 2600 joystick port history.
- The Prelinger Archives. Hours of ephemeral video.
- Running PalmOS without PalmOS. (via)
- The phrase “open source” (still) matters.
- Because We Still Have Net 1.0.
- Authenticated SMTP and IMAP authentication attacks and attempts we see here.
- I don’t know how to solve prompt injection and You can’t solve AI security problems with more AI.
- The Quintessential Dungeon. (via)
Check the first link; it’s time-dependent.
- Happening tomorrow: Peter Hansteen presents to SEMIBUG about pf. It’s online and he’s certainly an authoritative speaker.
- Desktop-installer: Use your Cleverness for Creativity. Note there’s multiple tabs within this writeup. (via)
- A Quick Look at the History of Package Management on FreeBSD.
- Open Source in Enterprise Environments – Where Are We Now and What Is Our Way Forward?
- FreeBSD Cope with WiFi Fuckup.
- AsiaBSDCon 2023 is happening. (via)
- Analyzing BSD Kernels for Uninitialized Memory Disclosures using Binary Ninja. (via)
- Your Comprehensive Guide to rc(8): FreeBSD Services and Automation.
- How to Setup Apache/FCGID on NetBSD 9.3.
- Valuable News – 2022/09/19.
- “OpenBSD Mastery: Filesystems” draft done!