This is a settle-in-and-read list.
- (via)
- Keyboard size guide. I never knew the names. (via)
- Why Don’t We Read Like We Used To? Linked for noting how people read only headlines. Like for this very Digest.
- Current challenges in free software and open source development. Slides here. Thanks Paul for sending.
- TI-99/4A Star Trek Theme Song. From the recent Chicago TI-99/4A
User Group‘s Annual Chicago TI International World Faire. Also thanks to Paul. - SourceType Index. So many tiny rabbit holes to go down; this will eat some time to read. (via)
- Via the previous link, UN-11, a Selectric-style font that dare I say I like more than Helvetica?
- Australia/Lord_Howe is the weirdest timezone. (via)
- Colophon. He’s been blogging longer than I have.
- The Beyond and Leviathan, coming very soon. Two excellent authors.