Lazy Reading for 2022/05/22

Oddball multimedia is the mini-theme.

In Other BSDs for 2022/05/21

Releases week.


Lazy Reading for 2022/05/15

Still working on cleaning up RSS backlogs, so this was done early.

Your unrelated noise music of the week: GROAR by Juanjosé Rivas.  (via)

In Other BSDs for 2022/05/14

“BSD” is in almost every line as a title.  Maybe not a surprise, but visually noticeable.

Lazy Reading for 2022/05/08

I have a nice weird mix going on today.

Your unrelated video of the week: Frank & Beans – Hugo [official video].  I’ve linked to other shardcore stuff before, and thought I had previously linked to this video’s predecessor, but I can’t find it. It’s very good though also very Uncanny Valley.  (also via)

In Other BSDs for 2022/05/07

My BSD RSS feeds are overflowing.

Lazy Reading for 2022/05/01



In Other BSDs for 2022/04/30

How-to week rather than updates week.