Tomohiro Kusumi has removed the old GNU implementation of ext2fs from DragonFly and added the non-GPL-encumbered FreeBSD implementation of ext2fs.
There are some stealth links here to much more reading, if you look carefully.
- mepo, Open Street Map data app. I didn’t think something like OSM could be built collectively but I am glad to be wrong. (via)
- I will pay you cash to delete your npm module.
- What is not portable.
- IBM 5110 Emulator. IBM’s first “portable”. (also via)
- Orgdown – a New Lightweight Markup Standard for Text Documents. I just like the portmanteau. (via)
- Jumping in at the Deep End – On Starting Reading a Series Halfway Through. I did this for Finder, and I think it was more enjoyable for me.
- Johnny Decimal. Not a bad idea. (via)
- Every business process secretly wants to fail.
- IFComp 2021 Results.
- Human Non-Universals, or: Make Your Own Vancian Culture ™. Makes more sense if you’ve read Jack Vance. Which you should, he’s in Appendix N.
- The History of Command Palettes: How Typing Commands Became The Norm Again. (via)
- A good gift guide. Remember my perpetual suggestions too.
Not just release announcements this week.
- NYCBUG is down today for a significant hardware move.
- FOSDEM 2022 is going to have a BSD Devroom. It’s online, so you can submit prerecorded talks – submissions due December 31.
- Valuable News – 2021/11/29.
- GhostBSD 21.11.24 ISO is now available.
- mfs: sometimes useful?
- Exploring NetBSD’s msgs(1). (via)
- Review: Netgate 6100.
- FreeBSD article writers needed. I’ve linked to Klara Systems before.
- Speaking of which, UNIX Wars – The Battle for Standards.
- New Test System. OpenBSD storage book is next apparently.
- HardenedBSD November 2021 Status Report.
- doas insults. This is a gem. (via)
- The previous link led me to 9front’s theo.
- Simple network dashboard with vnstat.
- The state of Steam on OpenBSD.
- Logitech MX Keys and MX Master on OpenBSD using Logi Bolt.
- OpenBSD Webzine #5.
There’s a new build of binary packages for DragonFly, based off the 2021Q4 quarterly ports release. This will require an upgrade of most if not all packages cause of a switch from LibreSSL to OpenSSL as the default SSL library.
I missed last week’s BSD Now – 430: OpenBSD Onwards – and there’s this week, 431: FreeBSD EC2 Agents.
No mini-theme this week.
- Cracking the Adventure Time Cipher. (via)
- The Tildeverse Dungeon Crawl Stone Soup server is fixed. There’s a tilde DCSS server?
- I Have No TV. Gobs of documentaries. (via)
- Concert Roulette. (also via)
- Building WireGate: A WireGuard front to detect compromised keys. (via)
- T700 Crowdfunding. More Thinkpad life extension. (via)
- Tiny Emus. (via)
- 50 Years of Text Games: 2013: A Family Supper and 2014: 80 Days.
- Homebrew Game Characteristics.
- Plain Text Project Tools Roundup November 17, 2021.
- One of these JPEGs is not like the other.
- Pirijan Uses This. A different style UT answer than I’ve seen before.
- Trackers: The Sound of 16-Bit. (video, via)
- Cambridge, another falling-blocks game. Check the Other Notable Games links at the end. (via)
Relatively quiet this week for BSD items, but it’s a holiday week in the US.
- Valuable News – 2021/11/22.
- Project Report: Add support for chdir(2) support in posix_spawn(3).
- Why V7 Unix matters so much.
- Wired XBox 360 Controller minor issue.
- Torn between getting a used thinkpad vs a new Chromebook.
- OpenZFS 3.0 Introduced at Developer Summit.
- OctoPkg: A Great GUI Package Manager In FreeBSD. (via)
- How to Access Your Modem’s Web Interface with OPNsense. (via)
- Where in the Stack?
- OpenBSD on the VIA Eden X2 powered HP t510 Thin Client.
Linked here cause maybe it’ll help someone else with synproxy and pf in DragonFly: synproxy state doesn’t work in Packet Filter.
ifconfig(8) in DragonFly is gaining a description field, to ease porting of CBSD.
This is a good mix this week.
- Can Data Die? Tracking the Lenna Image. I’ve linked to other stories about this image before. (lost the source link, sorry)
- A Close Look at a Spinlock.
- The Monstrosity Email Has Become. (via)
- FURBY MODULE – A Synthesizer Module That Houses A Furby. The synth itself is worth a look. (via)
- The inside story of the outside investigation of SoftRAM 95.
- Oh, great, there’s a year 2028 problem too. (via)
- The history of writing in 1.5 hours.
- Upstairs, Downstairs: d20 Power Relations.
- Faces of Open Source. Doug McIlroy looks like Otto Mentalis from Psychonauts 2. Coincidence? (via)
- Fermentabot 1.0 and a data-collecting version.
- New Brothers Quay film on the way. (via)
- Tindie, a maker market site. Interesting niche products. Found via this story.
Some history, some games.
- tmpfs-13, an experimental hellosystem build.
- Latest iortcw [Return to Castle: Wolfenstein] on OpenBSD.
- What every IT person needs to know about OpenBSD Part 3: That packet filter. (via)
- FreeBSD Quarterly Report, 2021Q3.
- Installing and Operating 4.3BSD-tahoe UNIX on the VAX (1988). (via)
- FreeBSD/Ubuntu Dual-boot testbed using Desktop Hardware. (via)
- GhostBSD online meetup, December 11.
- Call For Testing: Removing and hardening sensitive files.
- Valuable News – 2021/11/15.
- Demystifying OpenZFS 2.0. BSD-oriented.
- OpenBSD and Linux comparison: data transfer benchmark. Interesting results… Excessive ACKing?
Advanced ZFS Snapshots
has a literal headline, plus other straightforward articles. No puns, darnit.
SEMIBUG’s meeting is tonight, online, with Deb Goodkin of the FreeBSD Foundation presenting.
No minitheme this week.
- userland: a book about the command line for humans. Indirectly, a description of how flexible a shell really is. (via)
- More x220 hacking. It is of course less useful over time. (both via)
- Modifying my Gaggia Classic Espresso machine. Simple upgrades help too. (via)
- 50 Years of Text Games: 2012: Howling Dogs. Porpentine!
- Companies and their stewardship of open source projects.
- Your SMART drive database of attribute meanings needs regular updates.
- Kino Cult. Good films and BADFILMS. (via)
- AI Weirdness, oddball AI results. (via, via)
- Floppy emulators. More used than you may realize. (via)
- Software Folklore. I’ve linked to some of these stories before. (via)
- Obsessive keyboard building. Sorry, it’s a Twitter thread. (via)
- Forgotten Image Formats.
Note the upcoming SEMIBUG meeting. I’ll post a reminder.
- Jenkins with FreeBSD Agents in EC2. (via)
- Manage Kubernetes Cluster from FreeBSD with kubectl. (via)
- What if Internet stops? How to rebuild an offline federated infrastructure using OpenBSD.
- OpenBSD on Raspberry Pi 4 with Full-Disk Encryption. (via)
- SEMIBUG is meeting November 16th, with a presentation from Deb Goodkin, head of the FreeBSD Foundation. It’s online.
- How I ended liking GNOME. Also, using X with the loss of one hand.
- Valuable News – 2021/11/08.
- UNIX Mouse Shootout.
- 0ad several versions behind, cant play online because of this. Linking so I remember to play it.
- FreeBSD Documentation: Papers We Love To Read.
- depotdownloader issues.
- FreeBSD 12.3RC1 is out.
- OPNsense 21.7.5 released.
- OpenBSD Webzine #4.
This week’s BSD Now talks about some recent history articles, and links to CultBSD, a new based-on-FreeBSD… distribution? I’m not sure what to call these based-on-a-BSD products.
In Iran, of all places – Google decided this was spam so I am a few days late in posting it to the mirrors page.
These are extended so HAM-BUG may still be meeting when you read this.
ChiBUG is meeting tonight at 6PM at Giordano’s. Go if you are near Chicago.