Lazy Reading for 2021/10/10

UNIX history for the mini-theme this week.

Your unrelated animation of the week: Cyriak Animator Pro.


In Other BSDs for 2021/10/09

It is status report season!

Lazy Reading for 2021/10/03

This is a good week for variety.

In Other BSDs for 2021/10/02

Why yes I am trying to clear out my backlog of Solène links.

Lazy Reading for 2021/09/26

Classic games as a mini-theme.

In Other BSDs for 2021/09/25

I forgot to link to BSD Now 421: ZFS eats CPU on Thursday!

Lazy Reading for 2021/09/19

I am still not catching up to my RSS feeds but that’s OK, still plenty to read.

In Other BSDs for 2021/09/18

Still plenty of links I haven’t even got to yet.