Well, not what are you doing there, but you’ll be describing “what you are doing” at a roundtable for NYCBUG’s August meeting tonight.
Well, not what are you doing there, but you’ll be describing “what you are doing” at a roundtable for NYCBUG’s August meeting tonight.
It used to be that if you had a HAMMER2 volume and ran low on space, snapshotting would stop so that you didn’t completely fill the disk. Now, thanks to Francis GUDIN, snapshots continue to roll forward and discard older ones to keep disk usage constant. It won’t fix the low disk space issue, but snapshots will stay up to date. It’s in 6.0 too.
I think from this commit that qemu in dports is able to build NVMM-compatible. It won’t be in the current binaries for download because those are built from quarterlies, but work from source.
I am not sure those sentences I just typed would be comprehensible to a non-BSD user.
Mini-theme, barely: music.
No mini-theme, but I was also ‘done’ early.
Apparently a commit that I can’t find (“e8de9e9“?) disabled acceleration for R5 240 Radeon cards, but causes an error for R7 models. If you’ve got an R5 and you want accelerated video, try taking it out – assuming it’s not working already. Any other Radeon model, it may not make a difference.
Update: Pierre Alain-TORET found the correct commit.
This week’s BSD Now talks about some pro-BSD ideas, which may or may not include the idea of Linux with a BSD userland. I find it slightly upsetting.
If you think about the name, you’ll realize what it does: libpasswdqc(8) does quality checks on passwords via PAM, and now it’s in DragonFly.
The headline says almost everything, in this case. There’s a HOWTO for DragonFly NVMM which should get most of what you want to do, and I’m sure it will be updated.
No mini-theme this week.
The one good use of social media: jokes on an obscure theme. (via)
No theme this week; just catching up with all the links I didn’t get to last week.
Here’s something I just learned: If you are running dma(8), /etc/dma.conf will contain MAILNAME. If your email server is somewhere else, but you set MAILNAME as your domain – dma will deliver locally.
I had /etc/dma.conf set with MAILNAME shiningsilence.com – so dma kept delivering overnight periodic results to root, which was aliased to justin@shiningsilence.com in /etc/mail/aliases and so it was delivered to ‘justin’ locally on the machine.
Changing MAILNAME to www.shiningsilence.com – the host you are reading right now – fixed the problem. Now, whether this was an automatically set config or something I misconfigured some years ago… I can’t tell.
This week’s BSD Now covers different topics – you may think from the headline it’s a “tips and tricks” link, but no, it’s about confidential info.
Aaron LI’s added NVMM, hardware acceleration for virtual machines, to DragonFly.
The version of qemu in dports is not set up to support this, yet. Until then, you can download a prebuilt version.
Since NVMM originated on NetBSD, the NetBSD documentation page for it describes how to use it quite well. There’s a man page in DragonFly for it too, of course. There’s even basic machines to try.
ChiBUG meeting is at 6 PM at the normal place, which means you should go if you are near, and vaccinated.
boot and libstand directories are moved to src/stand/boot on DragonFly. This won’t affect most people, as you’ll upgrade and build the same way as always, but if you were specifically looking for it in the old locations of sys/boot and lib/libstand, you’d be surprised.
RPG subtheme this week.
More BUG meetings are happening, which is great.
I didn’t know about this, but there’s a daily/weekly/monthly/security_show_badconfig option in periodic.conf that is now defaulting to “yes” in DragonFly. This I assume means you’ll get the output of erroring periodic scripts sent to you. Useful, especially if you find out about an error you hadn’t seen before.
This week’s BSD Now goes into structure and progress, judging from the titles on display. Also, I did not link last week’s “410: OpenBSD Consumer Gateway” because I was on the road – look at it too if you haven’t yet.