Lazy Reading for 2021/03/14

Double links is the sub-theme today.


In Other BSDs for 2021/03/13

Literally tabs from my browser in order, here.

Lazy Reading for 2021/03/07

Long shot question: Are any of you in France and able to get this chocolate mold directly at a lower price?  Valrhona doesn’t sell square molds into the US market.

In Other BSDs for 2021/03/06

Whoops – I managed to somehow not put the correct publish date on this when I started filling it out.  Hopefully it reappears in people’s feeds again.  especially cause I did some hardcore link/tab/RSS cleanouts this week.

Lazy Reading for 2021/02/28

If you enjoy the weekend reading, or even the weekday posts, consider my Patreon.  It’d be nice if it bought me some good coffee.

Your unrelated to anything at all image of the week: Saskatchewan!

In Other BSDs for 2021/02/27

I’ll post reminders day-of for the BUG meetings.