Lazy Reading for 2021/03/28

No theme this week cause I really did touch all the themes.

Lazy Reading for 2021/03/21

Mini theme this week: sound.

In Other BSDs for 2021/03/20

Solene is publishing faster than I can link!

Lazy Reading for 2021/03/14

Double links is the sub-theme today.


In Other BSDs for 2021/03/13

Literally tabs from my browser in order, here.

Lazy Reading for 2021/03/07

Long shot question: Are any of you in France and able to get this chocolate mold directly at a lower price?  Valrhona doesn’t sell square molds into the US market.

In Other BSDs for 2021/03/06

Whoops – I managed to somehow not put the correct publish date on this when I started filling it out.  Hopefully it reappears in people’s feeds again.  especially cause I did some hardcore link/tab/RSS cleanouts this week.