I’ve mentioned it before but it came up again, so it’s worth repeating: your 5.8 install of DragonFly may need an update of the pkg tool.
No theme this week cause I really did touch all the themes.
- The Smallest Keyboard. to smol
- About Deformin’ In The Rain.
- Spaceship builder. (via)
- Saying goodbye to my Commodore 64. Linked cause of the hardware mods.
- 50 Years of Text Games: 1981: His Majesty’s Ship “Impetuous” and 1982: The Hobbit. I never encountered these games, but they are better than I would have expected for the time.
- Diagrams for Penrose Tiles. (via)
- When you have too much memory for SheepShaver.
- Cursed Keyboard Image.
- System Shock, a deep dive.
- Phonoptic Readers, pattern-based optical sounds.
- Souped-Up Gopher. (via)
- Dungeons and Directories. (via)
Quiet, this week.
- GNU really is a different animal.
- Paired links: Port of the week: diffoscope and Shamir’s secret sharing.
- Enable multi-factor authentication on OpenBSD.
- A working D compiler on OpenBSD.
- mport package manager.
- Valuable News – 2021/03/22.
- Easy text transmission from computer to smartphone. I didn’t know about KDE Connect.
- ohmyksh, for OpenBSD’s ksh.
BSD Now has the usual roundup of news this week, and leads with an article about FreeBSD and ARM – useful for the BSD content, but also interesting cause it has a nice summary of how ARM designs came to be so important.
If you have a Broadcom BCM57785/BCM5718 series network card, supported by the bnx(4) driver, there’s some new models supported. There’s some fixes for other models, too.
Mini theme this week: sound.
- Leave it to the phone companies to make simple ideas complex.
- Mini weather station with e-ink display. A good use case.
- The Data Sonification Archive. Data represented by sound.
- BOTTLED AUTHORS: The predigital dream of the audiobook.
- The Pixel Vision 8, for 8-bit games.
- Loop Hero, a roguelike where you build the map too? (via)
- Kepler was once so wrong that he was right.
- List of split keyboards. (via)
- Resurrecting Fortran. (via)
- The first(?) negative leap second might come in 2031.
- The Emoji That Nearly Weren’t. (via)
- Remember optical disk caddies? Ugh.
- How to Think Bayes. This underpins what most people call “AI”.
- Rebuilding James Bond’s Apple IIc – A Software Forgery. (via)
- Newsreader, free font for longer-form reading. (via)
Solene is publishing faster than I can link!
- EuroBSDCon 2021 Call for Papers open.
- Porting OpenBSD to RISC-V Final Report. (PDF, via)
- FreeBSD 13.0: Full Desktop Experience. (via)
- Pine 64: March Update. Nominally BSD related. (via)
- Creating ports for BSD distributions. (via)
- Wayland on FreeBSD.
- Top 12 best opensource games available on OpenBSD.
- Using pkgsrc on OpenBSD.
- Port of the week[s]: catgirl irc client and pmenu.
- Valuable News – 2021/03/15.
There’s BSD on Mars now, or that’s what the latest BSD Now tells me.
FreeBSD Office Hours are happening tonight, 18:00 UTC. Go, if you’re online.
Thanks to Levente Kurusa and Aaron LI, pkill(1) now has a -T option, to limit the killed processes to the current terminal. It’s a minor change, but worth remarking cause if you are killing multiple processes, your muscle memory is going to take over.
I am not sure if these Radeon cards are tested on DragonFly, but it’s a good base to start from.
Double links is the sub-theme today.
- PLATO Adventure (1979). Adventure/Zork was everywhere.
- Plus an incomplete guide.
- Wing Commander III. The graphics have aged remarkably well.
- Lotus 1-2-3 at arbitrary terminal sizes. (via)
- Similar: Troubleshooting my Commodore 128’s 80-column mode, part one.
- Trainspotting, A story of trains, computers, and two images. (also via)
- And then: Mystery Solved.
- Finding Mona Lisa in the Game of Life. (via)
- My Life in E-ink. (via)
- Oh, the intellectual property rights you’ll extend. Copyright and the problems that come with its overextension. (via)
- Sorta related: Internet Archive Infrastructure, a video. (via)
- A Vim Guide for Advanced Users. (via)
- 50 Years of Text Games: 1980: MUD. Oh, it’s getting good.
- Over the weekend: Commodore 128DCR keyboard extension, updates to Be-Power. Linked to remind me to find a gopher client.
- TEXT ADVENTURES. A description of Twine. (via)
Literally tabs from my browser in order, here.
- “TLS Mastery” pre-order on my web store. Get the BSD cover of course.
- Quick-publishing of poudriere packages.
- Implement a «Command not found» handler in OpenBSD.
- DIY OpenBSD router advice.
- OPNsense 21.1.3 released.
- Valuable News – 2021/03/08.
- Easy spamAssassin with OpenSMTPD.
- The many ways to launch FreeBSD in EC2.
- FreeBSD ZFS AMIs Now Available.
- NomadBSD 1.4 released.
- My new FreeBSD Laptop: Dell Latitude 7390. Lots of detail here if you are looking at a BSD laptop.
- GlusterFS 8 on FreeBSD 13.
- FOSSASIA starts today.
I’d hope that a name like dRAID meant it was a DragonFly system, but no, as this BSD Now episode mentions it as a ZFS technology. Plus the normal news and a tool called ‘just’. Unfortunately ju.st is taken.
Prompted by this email, I’ll say if there’s a DragonFly code bounty that interests you, put your name on it. Payment is on completion.
I was sure I had posted a link to this before, but apparently not: “How to install DragonFly BSD 5.6.1 plus MATE and some aplications” (Youtube, via)
ChiBUG’s having a virtual meeting tomorrow night. Register now, especially if you want to hear what Paul Vixie has to say. (You should)
Long shot question: Are any of you in France and able to get this chocolate mold directly at a lower price? Valrhona doesn’t sell square molds into the US market.
- Just one more turn: Dragon’s Lair. A quarter eater, as I called it when that mattered.
- Laura Jedeed Uses This. Not your normal tech equipment descriptions.
- Split Keyboards Gallery. (via)
- Troubleshooting a Commodore 1541 disk drive.
- Retr0brighting my Commodore 128 keyboard.
- Strange chip: Teardown of a vintage IBM token ring controller. Linked for pictures as usual.
- Electronic Plastic, electronic games. (via)
- Link: Taking This Serially and also What signal a RJ-45 serial connection is (probably) missing.
- 50 Years of Text Games: 1979: The Cave of Time.
- In Defense of Interactive Graphics. (via)
- XScreenSaver version 6 beta 2. Eh, also a BSD link.
- The Sound of Fractals & Photographs. Not an article about it, but actually the sound. (video, via)
- Mixdown’s Greatest Drum Machines Of All Time: Part One. There’s more past that. (via)
Whoops – I managed to somehow not put the correct publish date on this when I started filling it out. Hopefully it reappears in people’s feeds again. especially cause I did some hardcore link/tab/RSS cleanouts this week.
- HardenedBSD 2021 State of the Hardened Union, April 7th, NYCBUG.
- TrueNAS 12.0-u2.1 released.
- Old USENIX pictures.
- Valuable News – 2021/03/01.
- OpenBSD/loongson on the Lemote Fuloong. The return of MIPS, which I liked.
- OPNsense 21.1.2 released.
- Use innoextract to get game files from a GOG installer.
- FreshBSD relaunched. (via)
- OpenBSD – make sure wsconsctl is in sync with the kernel.
- MidnightBSD 2.0.5 released.
- Bastille on MidnightBSD.
- Related: HardenedBSD February 2021 Status Report.
- A comparison between mports and FreeBSD ports.
- LLDB: FreeBSD Legacy Process Plugin Removed.
- Multi-OS PXE-booting from FreeBSD 12: part 1, part 2, part 3, part 4.
- dhcpleased(8) – DHCP client daemon. I’m going to read “please” in that every time.
- resolvd(8) – daemon to handle nameserver configuration.
- Introducing veb(4) – a new Virtual Ethernet Bridge.
- OpenBSD booting multi-user on Apple M1.
- Some new FreeBSD/EC2 features: EFS automount and ebsnvme-id.
- bhyve for Calamares Development.
- Port of the week: checkrestart.