Hardware-heavy this week, sorta.
- leave(1) – remind you when you have to leave.
- Valuable News – 2021/02/01.
- Calibrate your touch-screen on OpenBSD.
- Annotate your PDF files on OpenBSD.
- BREAKING pf(4) change: change route-to so it sends packets to IPs instead of interfaces.
- TwinCAT/BSD, a new (to me at least) commercial use of FreeBSD in industrial settings.
- WireGuard for pfSense Software. I like that it’s sponsored work everyone gets access to.
- ujoy(4) added to -current. (OpenBSD)
- FreeBSD Bhyve Overview – Why Its Better Than Other Hypervisors. (via)
- Gamecontroller updates in -current. Related to previous link.
- OpenBSD KDE Status Report.
- Follow-up about FreeBSD jail advantages.
- AAA Gaming on OpenBSD with Google Stadia.
- FreeBSD Remote Process Plugin on Non-x86 Architectures.
- MirBSD “announce” RSS feed. A good idea for any project.
mostly doesn’t needxargs
today on modern Unixes.