NYCBUG online Feb 3rd

Michael Dexter will be giving a talk for NYCBUG’s February 3rd meeting (6:45 PM Eastern) titled “Fifteen Years and Fifteen Minutes: Applying Occam’s Razor to FreeBSD with OccamBSD“.   If you want to attend – and you should – email for the Zoom link; the address to email is in the linked message.

(I managed to miss putting this in In Other BSDs Saturday, but that’s OK; you should go cause this is a topic that isn’t covered anywhere else.)

Lazy Reading for 2021/01/31

Accidental theme of UNIX-ish history this week.

Your unrelated music of the week: The Most Noble Adventures of Erebor’s Finest Son, In His Quest To Butcher Orcs And Save The World.   “Metal, minus those boring verses, choruses and solos, thus leaving only the most metal of song components; riffs and slams.”  It’s bebop in metal form, and if you understand that joke you are a music nerd and it’s wonderful.  (via)

In Other BSDs for 2021/01/30

A FreeBSD-heavy week.

Lazy Reading for 2021/01/24

Link text back to normal.

In Other BSDs for 2021/01/23

It’s the week of Very Long and Excited Page Titles that Give Me Long Link Lines.

Lazy Reading for 2021/01/17

I went analog for a number of things this week.  Not unusual!

Your unrelated music of the week: Xvious_exe by woob.  (via)

In Other BSDs for 2021/01/16

Vermaden, who I link to on the regular, has been doing an excellent job of posting BSD links to

Lazy Reading for 2021/01/10

This is a good week for variety; I managed to get historical links, game links, music links, hardware… checking all the boxes except roguelikes, darnit.