Lazy Reading for 2021/01/17

I went analog for a number of things this week.  Not unusual!

Your unrelated music of the week: Xvious_exe by woob.  (via)

In Other BSDs for 2021/01/16

Vermaden, who I link to on the regular, has been doing an excellent job of posting BSD links to

Lazy Reading for 2021/01/10

This is a good week for variety; I managed to get historical links, game links, music links, hardware… checking all the boxes except roguelikes, darnit.

In Other BSDs for 2021/01/09

This bulked up fast this week.

Lazy Reading for 2021/01/03

End of year reviews are showing up; probably more next week.

Your unrelated video of the week: Throat Notes, from the same person who did Double King.

In Other BSDs for 2021/01/02

I am happy to be in the new year.