In Other BSDs for 2021/01/09

This bulked up fast this week.

Lazy Reading for 2021/01/03

End of year reviews are showing up; probably more next week.

Your unrelated video of the week: Throat Notes, from the same person who did Double King.

In Other BSDs for 2021/01/02

I am happy to be in the new year.

ADM-3A and DragonFly
ADM-3A front console switches
It took me a while to figure out you have to press down on the switch, not rotate.
Correct ttys setting for ADM-3A.

So, if you find yourself in possession of an ADM-3A terminal, and want to attach it to a DragonFly machine, here is the /etc/ttys config (viewed on the ADM-3A itself of course) and the front switch settings that worked for me.

Remember, ^h deletes.

Lazy Reading for 2020/12/27

I haven’t had many posts this past week because of a mix of work then holidays. but there’s always Lazy Reading.

In Other BSDs for 2020/12/26

Lots of history this week.


Lazy Reading for 2020/12/20

This week’s links are all fun, but you had better have some time to read.

Your unrelated music of the week: Shimmer, Then Disappear.